Renaissance of India: Raja RamMohan Roy

Raja RamMohan Roy Known as the best contributor to journalism. He was considered as the pioneer of Renaissance of India, first published a newspaper named “Brahma Patrika” to counter the allegations of Sreerampore Missionaries in their paper Samachar Chandrika.

Roy’s column used to be written under a pseudonym Shivaprasad Sharma.

He then became the editor of a newspaper called East India Gazette. He used to pen logical articles to counter the salvo of mal-propaganda labeled against his name.

Roy through his writings managed to impress and prevail on the East India Company top brasses especially Lord William Bentinck, the then Governor General of India to enforce the anti-Sati law, banning the century-old practice of Sati on Dec.4 1829.

He also launched a newspaper named Sambad Kaumudi with articles, feature stories on religion, politics, family affairs, and, national and international events. This newspaper was published mostly to regale common readers.

Roy’s newspapers were considered as a tool to criticize the anti-Indian and anti-people policies of the East India Company government. Know More about Raja RamMohan’s contributions and social works at Raja RamMohan Roy as father of journalism in India.

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